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Pablo Picasso

“Art shakes from thesoul the dust accumulated in life everyday”

Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain. His father was a teacher at the local art school, introducing him to an apprenticeship very early. At just fourteen he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona, deciding years later to move to the Academy of Madrid. However, in 1900 he settled permanently in Paris: from this moment on his art would experience various phases of experimentation and above all unparalleled success. One of the first phases was the so-called "blue period" in which the artist expressed, using the color blue and other cold tones, all his pain and sadness due to the suicide of his dear friend Carlos Casagemas. In 1904 he began the "pink period" marked by great happiness and serenity during which he formed friendships with various artists including Max Jacob and Guillaume Apollinaire. Subsequently in 1907 he founded Cubism together with his colleague and friend Georges Braque: it was an artistic movement founded on the representation of a subject from multiple points of view through the decomposition and simplification into geometric shapes - in reality the term was coined by the critic Louis Vauxcelles art with the intention of denigrating them. In the last period of his life, Picasso dedicated himself to revisiting the artistic heritage of the West by reinterpreting the masterpieces of recognized masters such as Cranach, Poussin, Rembrandt, David or Courbet. As evidence of his artistic value, two museums entirely dedicated to him with thousands of works including paintings, sculptures and graphics were established respectively in 1963 in Barcelona and in 2003 in Malaga.


Self- Portrait


Crayon on paper

31 x 24 cm

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