Fernando De Filippi:
Arbor solis and other stories

The exhibition project systematically analyzes the artistic investigation of the master Fernando De Filippi starting from the beginning in the 1960s. A professional in the use of multiple languages as well as a discoverer of innovative techniques, he is a painter, sculptor, graphic designer, installer and photographer. His poetics, although inspired by the iconic American Pop-Art, are expressed in an absolutely personal and independent way to directly bear witness to his social commitment. From this perspective, the iconography of his famous tree takes on a decisive centrality as it constitutes the beating heart of a solid imagination that recovers the ethical universality of ancient mythology. The artist's sixty-year journey also allows for an acute rereading of the main moments of the international historical-artistic debate from the second half of the twentieth century to today: De Filippi has always been present, without pauses, from eyewitness to first actor in action. His works in fact reflect with clear awareness and cold skepticism the passages of history, the choices of field and above all the considerations on the nature of art by rereading the common sense of images, symbols and situations of our time. The exhibition curated by Dr. Tiziano Giurin will allow us to fully understand the evocative world of Fernando De Filippi, representing an expressively original reality that feeds on what surrounds it and brings it to life. The correspondence between the relative artistic experiences and the social orders of the various historical moments therefore becomes a sort of treasure hunt that brings travelers back to the starting point each time so as to invite them to see, in mistakes and in the past, precious opportunities